I must stop buying clothes.
Seriously, I'm probably a shop-a-holic. When I go in a store, I can't stay away from the clothes - and most of the time I end up walking out to the car with a shirt... a new pair of jeans... a jacket... the list is endless.
This is a particularly bad habit I have to give up for multiple reasons.
I won't get into the monetary reasons — we all know what those are. Puke.
Right now my house, in various areas, is on the cusp of becoming something out of hoarders. Well, OK, there's no ceiling high mountains of pop bottles and pizza cartons or billy goat paths through piles of random furniture and tchotchkes, but clothing storage has gotten ridiculous.
I live in a 100 year old two-story house. Back in 1910 they weren't the clothes horses we are today. The master bedroom has one small closet -and it's all mine.
My husband's clothes have been relegated to the linen closet in the hallway. Obviously he's much more minimalist in the fashion department than I am.
All of my apparel certainly does not fit in this closet. I also have an over stuffed dresser. I can't say what all that even contains, but I can say it's so full I've been having trouble fitting my PJs in it.
But wait there's more!
I change out my clothes by season. Right now the fall clothes are in the closet. Stored in bags in the laundry room are winter, spring and summer's stuff.
Did I mention earlier that all of my husband's clothes are in the linen closet? He also shares closet space with - well - linen. And blankets. And a TV.
There's also the addiction part of it. There's some kind of high associated with getting something new, even if it's a tank top - though preferably one with sparkles.
I love a glass of wine - or two. I also love margaritas. Having just had a baby, I have found giving up alcohol isn't so hard. Giving up bringing home a new T-shirt - that's asking a lot.
My goal is to see how long I can last without something new. I'm pretty sure this is going to be painful.